Depending on the location, tap water always contains varying amounts of dissolved lime and minerals, which reduces the washing effect of detergents by forming lime soap and can lead to disturbing scale deposits in pipes and systems. Therefore a water treatment in SB-CarWash-System is essential.
For this purpose, EHRLE offers water softening systems in different performance classes. Only ion-exchanger softening plants are used. There the calcium ion in the washing water is replaced by a sodium ion and all the lime that is harmful to the laundry is rendered harmless. Depending on the size of the softening plant and the local hardness of the washing water, a regeneration of the bottles is automatically initiated.
To prevent water stains after self-service washing, EHRLE offers reverse osmosis systems which demineralize the rinsing water and leave no other components (molecules) in the water. This guarantees a stain-free drying result. The water softening and reverse osmosis units are pre-assembled as system components on a wall shelf at the factory and installed as a complete assembly in the technology container and connected to the Car- Wash systems. A large osmosis storage tank is loaded with R/O water as buffer storage and can be used for system safety and reserve in case of large wash volumes.