Coin vacuum

The safe alternative against vandalism and secure storage The daily emptying of the hard cash receipts of the operating terminals are a thing of the past.

EHRLE Coin vacuum system

EHRLE Coin vacuum system

Safe panel with coin vacuum

EHRLE Coin vacuum system

The daily emptying of the cash receipts of the operator terminals is a thing of the past.

EHRLE Coin vacuum system

EHRLE does not give thieves and vandalism a chance. In order to avoid hard cash stocks, an optional coin extraction system can be installed. In an underground stainless steel piping system, all coins are transported to a safe inside the technical building immediately after being deposited. Immediately after the coins are inserted, the PLC control system activates a vacuum side channel compressor inside the technical building and creates a laminar airflow into the suction pipes via the safe.

After a safety time of 5 seconds, the coin is safely dropped from the collection funnel and coin flip with a lifting magnet into the built-up airflow of the suction lines. The coin is sucked directly into the safe within 10 seconds.

Inside the safe, there is an exchangeable stainless steel coin collection container, which can hold up to a weekly intake of coins.

The safe can be insured against burglary and theft. The CarWash operator can program the time intervals for coin extraction himself according to experience values and keep the payment amounts safe.

Removal of the washing turnover and filling in money seals can thus be carried out in the security technology container to the exclusion of any observation by third parties.

The cash seals can be removed by the operator himself or by cash-in-transit companies at irregular intervals. Your security is our top priority and we consider it „GREAT“.